13th November
written by Jeremy

Wow, we are almost there: the house is packed; our bags are packed; and we leave for the airport in a few hours.

It has been an crazy few months preparing for this day. Way too many things to do and way too many loose ends to tie up before leaving the country for year.

On the plus side, through the process of leaving jobs, packing up the house and saying goodbye to so many amazing friends, I am reminded of the great life we have been so lucky to have here. I too often get lost in the busy routine of daily life and fail to really enjoy myself. I suppose that is the first big hope for this trip: to break routines and habits which support, but also tend to limit our lives here, and allow us to come back home refreshed, able to more fully appreciate what is now so familiar, and possibly even to try something new.

I do expect that we will come back to San Francisco and resume similar paths here. But I am also hopeful that the trip will have opened enough space for us to at least be able to consider something radically different…I don’t know, maybe we buy a farm somewhere and grow beets and run a bed-and-breakfast in the farm house.

Traveling will certainly be hard at times. We will get home sick, we will get on each others nerves; 13 months of just me and her will really put the marriage to the test. But I am confident in us. And I look forward to the extended time together focused on the same things: moving slowly, seeing places, meeting people, eating and drinking, studying Chinese, caring for each other through the inevitable bouts of food poisoning, and adapting to life with only those possessions that we can carry on our backs.

And, of course, after 15 years of work without a vacation longer than 10 days and several weeks of intense planning, preparing and packing while managing a series of home repair/improvement projects…I am ready for a break and ready to just have fun for a while. I look forward to our first month on the road where the big decisions of the day will be: on which gorgeous beach should we park the camper van tonight? And: which tasty cut of lamb shall we BBQ for dinner?


  1. Laurie Hermann

    Go for it, you two!!!! Have a wonderful time! “Smell the roses”, soak in the sun and salt water…photograph the forms and textures…learn from the encounters with others…watch the sun rises and sun sets…soak in your love for one another…and I send you much love from ME, Laurie

  2. 15/11/2008

    Our mutual friends Kim & Sharna told us about your trip - congrats on taking the round-the-world plunge! We’ve been on the global road for just over 4 months, and have been to 8 countries so far. Our ten-year long relationship had a few bumpy moments at the beginning - most memorably standing in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower - but things have mostly smoothed out. It’s all part of the process of adjusting to being around each other 24/7.

    Sadly, it looks like we will just miss each other on our paths in opposite directions around the world, but check out our website - http://www.ephemerratic.com - for our dispatches and tips about the places we’ve been. We look forward to hearing about your adventures!

  3. Laurie Hermann

    Hi Hope and Jeremy!!! Yeah for Flickr…I saw your first two photos there!!! Can’t wait until you add an entry in your 12′3″ xo Laurie

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